Dental Treatment

Dental Filling In Hyderabad

The dental filling is a material used to restore the damaged area of a tooth. The filling is used to repair the tooth after removing a cavity. It can also be used to restore the tooth after a root canal...

Braces and Aligners cost

Braces and aligners are devices used to improve the alignment of your teeth or jaws. The two main types of braces include traditional metal braces, which use...

Dentures Implant in Hyderabad

Dentures are removable appliances that replace missing teeth. They can be made of acrylic, plastic, or metal, then attached to your gums with clasps. These Dentures are artificial ...

Mouth Ulcers Treatment

A mouth ulcer is a small sore that develops inside the mouth. They can be round, oval, or irregular in shape and are usually red or purple but can also be white, yellow, or gray...

Gum Pigmentation Treatment

Gum pigmentation is a common condition that affects the teeth and gums. Gum pigmentation is also known as dentin discoloration, tetracycline staining, and tetracycline tooth...

Teeth whitening in Hyderabad

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that can brighten your smile. The process lightens the coloring of your teeth, making them appear whiter and brighter...

Children Dentistry in Hyderabad

Regarding the best dental treatment for children, you need not look beyond Aira. We believe in giving our patients a pleasant experience through our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology...

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth, the third molars, are the last teeth to come in. And sometimes they don’t come in at all. Because they’re so far back in your mouth and your jaw reaches its full size when you’re about ...

Smile Makeover in Hyderabad

A smile makeover is a cosmetic procedure to enhance your smile’s beauty. The procedure can also be used to resolve problems that are difficult to correct, as well as improve ...

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